Wednesday 16 November 2011




Love & Eternal Light !

Thursday 13 October 2011


Yes friends, family and good people. I have been putting down some more creations and experimenting with application as to how I can expand the Persona delivery. It's not easy at all having to challenge the mind with the pattern but so many ideas continue to pop up ( some of which cannot be posted ). But any how we move forward and persevere to greater things.

Week 1 by Christoper T Coker

Week 2 by Christopher T Coker

So yes, I have put down to more pieces ( as I do every week ) so apologies to the fans.. lol !

To be honest I was too lazy to make any posts, but here we are.

Next week will be the break down of The Book Of Life.

Until then Folks !

Love & Light !

Wednesday 28 September 2011

AMAZING PIECE - The Book Of Life - PART 3

The Book Of Life - By Christopher T Coker

Far from over !

I will really end up going in depth next week as I have a lot on my plate right now relating to my spiritual evolution and development as an entity. There is a lot relating to this piece that holds major value to five principles ( LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM & EQUALITY ). Look beyond ! Plus my arms are killing me from a supreme work out me and my friend Matthew did today. I swear that guy isn't human... lol !

On the real though, lot's happening right now and I will have to break down the significance of this major work next week as I juggle the rest !

Any who !!! Watch this space folks !

Love & Light !

Wednesday 21 September 2011

AMAZING PIECE - The Book Of Life - PART 2

Okay talk is cheap at this moment in time so all I will say is, 7hours so far with part 2 !

Far from finished !

More to come, stay locked in !

Love & Light !

Wednesday 14 September 2011


 God is good, Allah is great !

Yes people the fact remains that everything has a process of existence on this physical plane. Something as simple as a leaf comes from an extended part of life such as a tree connected to the Earth. We kind of operate in an reflect the same sense of development as a leaf. Were born (it springs), we grow (it grows), we mature (it matures), then decline and death. From time to time I just take a walk in the park to study my surroundings and clear my mind. By just studying a simple leaf it is amazing how one can manifest such a spectacular offering. I questioned the simple mechanics behind nature and how it shows itself displaying different forms of expression that many of us tend to take a blind eye to. I guess appreciation for the simple things that are around you only take place when one begins to slow down and move at an individual pace. It would only take linear thinking to be able to start demonstrating what you see and portraying it in a way where it it personalised. Sometimes the impossible is possible. How ? Well through trying out different processes of reflecting character artistically and in a ways that are secular to the norm.

What do I mean by that. I can paint, draw, have great computer skills with design software but the only thing that beats all of the above is my ability to carve it out. Not only in a way that seizes the moment but also to capture a classical but yet maturing of what I deem to be a God given talent. Yes, I will continue to capture the winter, spring and summer in ways that will be more challenging. A lot of my BIG pieces I don't show for
various reasons, but I am inclined
to make those pieces very BIG and sell them high lol... !

The iconographic stance of the leaf is powerful I believe and I really wanted to make it my own in this piece by showing great detail of the pattern. Within the actual piece and below symbolising the life and death of existence within nature. Hence why the big leaf with the pattern stands and the dead leafs below with the swirls around them.

RARE GROOVE by Joanna Gardner !
Listen to the words !

Eternal Love & Light !

Monday 5 September 2011


Three Candles by Christopher T Coker

Symbols have to be one of the oldest forms of communication by means of understanding a meaning or definition to ones beliefs and perspective. We are symbol literate creatures who from the dawn of time could communicate artistically to allow ones presence to be recognised and noticed. Man has used symbols to imprint the very image upon the subconscious to allow memory to take hold of the conscious mind that will trigger an action or reactions to the onlooker. Edward Bernays and Sigmund Freud's work and theories proved without a shadow of a doubt the symbols really do hold power to unlocking the human mind. As an artist I truly admire the use of symbols within the correct context of it's meanings and pour trails, as I to deliver my trademark pattern in ways that are sometimes regarded as symbolic. Yes my ancient ancestors did use symbols not only as a tool of remembrance but also as a portal of truth and righteousness. Nowadays in the modern era we have a number of social networks with symbols that each have their own logo's and identities. Each social network individually specific to their own causes and uses. But each of these symbols are recognised within society as apart of their everyday purposes. Corporations with logo's and symbols beyond the thousands that have transcended generations ( some holding sigils ). Without that identity how would people recognise what the function is ?

As humans continues to evolve the ideologies of symbols will always remain due to that being a primary source of communication, covert or secret, overt or recognisable, symbols will always be apart of our lives on this planet.

Unfortunately folks I'm not going to go in detail about this piece at all. What I will say is that this is one of my personal favourites that I can relate to by simply looking at it. I don't ever think that I will unleash the spoken secret of this piece. It's that special. Why three candles..... lol ! One of the main features is the particular brush strokes that I incorporated in this piece that really stands out.

It's meaning is to secret and hidden to me.

The sun, moon and stars

Three stars of Orion's belt

The ancient Nubian / Egyptian / Khemetic Ankh

Each of these are symbolic in a sense due to the fact that they each hold the power of three. 

The sun, moon and stars that govern the very heavens above us allowing humans to function on the ship called Earth ! lol

The three stars of Orion's belt founded upon the great constructions of the Great Pyramids of Giza.

The Ankh symbolically representing the union of life. By the crown being the womb, the centre being the phallus and the arm connecting the two. Symbol of man woman and child. Osiris, Isis and Horus. Ausar, Auset and Heru.

Well, thank you for taking your time out folks.
Until next week.

Love & Light !

Tuesday 30 August 2011


The Super Ego props by Christopher T Coker


Paul, Dave and Chief Adelekan comment on the importance of strategies such as the Revealing Histories initiative in showing the present day Manchester African community that they have a heritage to be proud of and stress the positivities of their culture.

Lol !!!!!

The DEVIL is a liar and will continue to currupt the hearts and minds of men and women.


Lol !!!

AFRICAN WITCHCRAFT - ( SOON COME )  for those asses lol !!!!


Chief Adelekan explains about a spiritual amulet that contains Islamic writing as a sign of protection and how such objects would be used, respected and protected.

Love & Light !


Monday 22 August 2011


Have been on my Persona grind for the past two weeks for a collaborative effort that will be posted soon.

More to come !

Big things for 2012 and beyond !!!

Love and Light !