I always document and keep a visual track of any of my design efforts. This was an integral but yet mathematical way of me calculating my next move of a desired outcome. I have so many folders of planning and progressive steps towards all of my pieces (from school, college, university, post - uni) that one day I may decide to publish them to demonstrate trial and error in design. But any how enough of sharing what was. What is now is that I have just completed a piece that was inspired by my girlfriend or other half or female counterpart of yes, wait for it, (drum rolls please) Butterflies. Chris is not going soft people ! We had tattoos done a while back and she had a tat done of a Butterfly that she is going to expand in future as a major piece on her back. I mean she didn't flinch or bat an eye lid once lol.... The very fact that these creatures symbolize beauty definitely is fitting on her to say the least. No it's got nothing to do with Monarch mind control folks (conspiracy theory stuff they call it) lol.... Anyway here are the steps that I took towards the outcome of the piece.

Step 1 - Technically this is step 4. The first three steps involve finding or taking pictures of the images then the next would be digitally illustrating the images to the size / board format for the final outcome. The third would then be to scouple the design from paper after printed. Through out this process I then draw or sketch the image on to the board from the scoupled illustration until I am satisfied with the detail.
Step 2 - After the drawing on board is complete I then begin the carving process with my trusty tools. Usually starting by carving the pattern first.
Step 3 - At this stage paying attention to detail is paramount for a good piece.
Step 4 - Now this is the outcome of the piece with the desired detail. There are two steps the are also implemented after this stage. The sanding of the piece then after the treatment via priming, varnish, paint etc...
The finish of the piece will be posted in near future people.
Watch this space.
Love & Light !