Monday 28 March 2011


Tiger Carving
Okay so I'm sitting indoors after reading right and for some strange reason I said let me pop out and get a TV dinner right ( not recommended ). I'm standing in a que at a local shopping market and the line for the checkout operator is sooooo long. So as I do I'm observing my surroundings and I notice. Da da da duuuuuhh a box of Frosties. Now  I know what your thinking, who cares ? Well your right, I mean who really cares about a box of Frosties as there standing in a line waiting to be served ? Okay, the irony of the whole situation is that I had thought of doing a series of animal carvings, The Flying Hummingbird being one of out of the series. But all those years of youth eating Frosties only made me dedicate this Tiger Carving to who, ( drum rolls please ) Tony The Tiger. I mean it's only right after eating a bowl and feeling " Grrrrreat " to the point I want more. But I've grown out of eating such things now. Too much sugar is not good for anyone. Let's just say that's maybe why the kids of today are sooooo hyperactive. To much Frosties, not enough exercise and study lol !

Total design tally time equates to around 4.5 hours.

So here is my homage to the Grrrrreat ! Tony The Tiger !

You will never be forgotten my good friend !

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