Patience by Christopher Coker |
The year that we currently exist in according to the Gregorian calender is 2011. You would think by now that human beings as we are right now would have elevated beyond such trivial and apprehensive matters, concerning others. Continuously I am tired of expectations that other people have for me, where I currently am at the moment and what I have accomplished. Now I subscribe to the ideal of "DO YOU" ! Do your own thing and don't watch others. Please don't worry about Chris ! Do what YOU need to do in order to reach YOUR goals. The plan is for me to build up a collection of my work then to unleash it upon the world like a bear or lion that has been caged for five years (apart from me tearing off other people's ligaments). I say all that to say that Chris has his own path and destiny in life and I'm sure you do too. I've been running into people that have asked me, "well why haven't you got your exhibition in order yet Chris ?" Then they blabber on about what they're doing and what they've done over the past year or so. It just upsets me when people have misconceptions about what I'm about or what I'm doing in life. When none of us really know when our time is up on the planet. The best layed plans are not for mice and men, but for those who choose to follow they're own expectations, destiny, outlook on life and no one else.
Now with that said this piece that I have here was done over a period of 8 hours. I call it Patience as it symbolically represents where I currently am at the moment with regards to my designs and talent. Focus and patience plays a major part towards a successful outcome of any positive endeavor that one may pursue. All I have left to say is that I see myself whenever I look at this piece. Treatment is yet to be displayed on but only once I have figured out a colour scheme for what is done.
With that said people I send,
Love and Light !
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