Monday 30 May 2011


Inspired the minds and souls of many ! Your spirit still lives on Brother ! See you on the other side !

Love & Light !

HT1 Comics / Wayne Riley

A creative but yet talented individual who's passion and drive for perfection is not only demonstrated through his work but by his honesty and integrity with helping others. Wayne has taken it upon himself to make a difference not only within the immediate black community with his work but also to the world.

Hard Wired is a concept that has been created by Wayne to push beyond the boundaries of what is promoted by mainstream media in direct relation towards black children seeing themselves as heroes and saviors. Also creating alternate realities and universes that can lead black children's imaginations in positive but also creative mindsets that can lead to further progression. I remember growing up and watching cartoons myself as an 80's child and rarely did I ever see a black super hero. The only thing that I can remember is 98% of the heroes that I saw were all non-black, white superheroes. In the type of society that we live in where most images that are promoted by mainstream media creatives such Wayne is really doing something here that I know not only myself can relate to but also other black children who aspire to do better things and make a difference. Right now children only really have a rat that is a rasta, which in my opinion is disrespectful and contrary to what the essence of what Rastafari is all about.

His concepts are that of individuals who are a team that have taken it upon themselves to fight upon the principals of justice, truth, freedom, peace and equality.  Also interconnecting universes with characters and allowing alleviation's of bias, prejudice and any other misconceptions or distorted views of righteousness.

I say all this to say keep your eyes wide open to what this creative young soul has to offer. A father himself I can understand the importance of why this is not only relevant to the black community. But also to his son and every other child that should see themselves in a better way and positive perspective.

You can contact Wayne and check out more of his creative concepts through


 Love & Light !

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Elephant Of The Sun

Elephant Of The Sun by Christopher T Coker

The sun just happens to be the ruling body of our solar system as the elephant signify's strength, dominance and courage. More than likely to be seen and noticed within the African safari and other rural areas of the continent. I really wanted to display POWER in this piece by also showing and signifying the appreciation of life. The sun emanating rays of the pattern from it's ora and the elephant without man troubling it on it's journey.  Total design time so far around 8 and a half hours to complete and yet to be treated. I'm not sure as to follow through on the natural colours of the scenery or to place a different colour scheme towards it just yet.

As apart of the animal collections this is so far on of my favorite pieces because so much has gone on in my personal life over the past week that this was a major relief for me. Also adding in the fact that the detail of the piece really stands out for me. Being able to accomplish  this piece and still managing to contain my sanity is truly a God send gift.

The next piece that I will put forward is one from an out of the box idea that came to me the other day. I'm not going to expose what it entails just yet, but just know this - IT WILL BE AMAZING.

I would just like to thank those of you that continue to believe in me and never doubt me. Always showing true grace, love and faith towards myself and my ability. You will be remembered.

Love & Light !

Monday 16 May 2011

20% - 80 TO GO

Greetings to all. Man I am slipping to be very honest due to other obligations, but at least I'm trying to get there. Amongst other commitments that are going on at the moment I WILL finish this piece by the end of tomorrow. The scenery at the back behind the elephant is quite detailed, so please expect the finished piece to be uploaded next Monday. Until then folks !

Love & Light

Monday 9 May 2011


Bad Habit Piece by Christopher Coker

Okay so at times I can go astray with this pattern just drawing on random things. The background behind the piece was done a few years back when I just went mental with it. Some parts begun to fade as you can see. There was a night that I just picked up my marker pen and started to just draw as if I was in a trance. This was done at my parents home after I decided to turn my old bedroom into an art studio.

The main piece that I am holding I call "Bad Habit" if you can guess why. In the 30's through to the 50's smoking was a fad and a cool thing to do. People would smoke as a symbol of status to portray a look or identity of importance. Nowadays in the UK you can't smoke in enclosed public areas due to legislative law changing. Now on cigarette boxes they have images of people with bleeding gums, a heart operation and pictures of little children saying "smoking may seriously harm you and others around you". Oh how times have changed. The inspiration for this piece came whilst I standing and observing a lady smoke. Focusing upon the smoke itself I imagined my swirl pattern emanating from the fumes as the smoke spiraled around her. A light bulb moment came into effect.

Its a simple piece that only took around an hour to carve and another hour to treat. Not too bad for something mocked up in that time. Due to the detail it was quite a short piece. A3 landscape size to be exact and the original image of this came from istock. Well all I can say is more to come and I do hope you like. Next week I'll be displaying another piece from the Animal Carving series.

Also don't forget kids - SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH

Love & Light

Monday 2 May 2011


Patience by Christopher Coker
The year that we currently exist in according to the Gregorian calender is 2011. You would think by now that human beings as we are right now would have elevated beyond such trivial and apprehensive matters, concerning others. Continuously I am tired of expectations that other people have for me, where I currently am at the moment and what I have accomplished. Now I subscribe to the ideal of "DO YOU" ! Do your own thing and don't watch others. Please don't worry about Chris ! Do what YOU need to do in order to reach YOUR goals. The plan is for me to build up a collection of my work then to unleash it upon the world like a bear or lion that has been caged for five years (apart from me tearing off other people's ligaments). I say all that to say that Chris has his own path and destiny in life and I'm sure you do too. I've been running into people that have asked me, "well why haven't you got your exhibition in order yet Chris ?" Then they blabber on about what they're doing and what they've done over the past year or so. It just upsets me when people have misconceptions about what I'm about or what I'm doing in life. When none of us really know when our time is up on the planet. The best layed plans are not for mice and men, but for those who choose to follow they're own expectations, destiny, outlook on life and no one else.

Now with that said this piece that I have here was done over a period of 8 hours. I call it Patience as it symbolically represents where I currently am at the moment with regards to my designs and talent. Focus and patience plays a major part towards a successful outcome of any positive endeavor that one may pursue. All I have left to say is that I see myself whenever I look at this piece. Treatment is yet to be displayed on but only once I have figured out a colour scheme for what is done.

With that said people I send,
Love and Light !
