Tuesday 24 May 2011

Elephant Of The Sun

Elephant Of The Sun by Christopher T Coker

The sun just happens to be the ruling body of our solar system as the elephant signify's strength, dominance and courage. More than likely to be seen and noticed within the African safari and other rural areas of the continent. I really wanted to display POWER in this piece by also showing and signifying the appreciation of life. The sun emanating rays of the pattern from it's ora and the elephant without man troubling it on it's journey.  Total design time so far around 8 and a half hours to complete and yet to be treated. I'm not sure as to follow through on the natural colours of the scenery or to place a different colour scheme towards it just yet.

As apart of the animal collections this is so far on of my favorite pieces because so much has gone on in my personal life over the past week that this was a major relief for me. Also adding in the fact that the detail of the piece really stands out for me. Being able to accomplish  this piece and still managing to contain my sanity is truly a God send gift.

The next piece that I will put forward is one from an out of the box idea that came to me the other day. I'm not going to expose what it entails just yet, but just know this - IT WILL BE AMAZING.

I would just like to thank those of you that continue to believe in me and never doubt me. Always showing true grace, love and faith towards myself and my ability. You will be remembered.

Love & Light !

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