Monday 1 August 2011

F*@k THE TIDY !!!!

I hate people who are neat and tidy ! I mean really ! Who are you fooling ? LOL !!!! The world is not a neat and tidy place at all. Read the papers and watch the news. It is what it is. I hope all you lovely people who are exsisting are having fun enjoying the sun. If you are that's good and if you are not, that's good. Either way I just wanted to have some fun with this post and not be too serious. Relax and be layed back you know ! After all we never know when our time is up on this plane of exsistance. So please people, please. Be nice, be kind and generous to other human beings as we move forward and beyond. Break the programming of the neatness you have adopted and just be gracious for God's sake. Lol ! The book above is a great read by the way. LOL ! Loving it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and light !

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