Thursday 16 June 2011


Persona Plaque By Christopher T Coker

When I started Persona Illustration the vision was based upon personalising designs for clients by vectoring illustrations as one off designs that stand out as "great works". Not knowing that over time my sense of focus and application would evolve to a new ways of projecting art and illustration. In 2006 I walked away with a Ba Hons in Graphic Design and prior to that I have qualifications in Art and Design. You get to a point after you have graduated and say to yourself "what now" ? For some they may be able to know exactly what they want from their degree and run with it. For others they may be afraid of taking great leaps forward to see themselves in a better position than stacking shelves in Sainsbury's or Tesco's. For me to be honest with myself I say that I have sat in the middle whilst contemplating the next chess move of life. I know what I'm good at and know my strengths and weaknesses as an individual. Through experience I can only come to the realisation that you are alone on this Earth and must acknowledge the fact that people don't really care about anyone but themselves. This to be honest has moulded myself to become quite callus and cold as an individual due to the fact that all I have is my talent and nothing else. Not even people I know or the most high at times can even penetrate the very feelings that I have as a human being. I have excepted the fact that my talents have been given to me for a reason.

There was a time that an individual said something to me that has stayed in my very core till this day. He said, " Mariah Carey is a great singer, possibly one of the best that America has to offer to the world. She has won many awards and has made many accomplishments throughout her career as a music artist and an actress. She is the role model for many people and has influenced the minds of at least two generations. Question, what if there is somebody out there who is just as good or even better than her ? What if that person could do what she has done but better ? What if that person was the same age as her as beautiful as her and could influence the minds, hearts and souls as she has ? " Then he dropped the bombshell of a question to me. " What if that person was never discovered by the world for their talents ? "

It only makes sense to say I could be one of those people only if I let that happen. What could have been never was due to the fact that I never made that big leap or step in order to be recognised. I only know if you want help you have to help yourself because all you have is yourself. The only thing that I will die with is my gifts, and like Ray Charles, Bob Marley, Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix, Claude Monet, Leonardo Da Vinci to name a few I want to be remembered for what I am great at. Some may never have thought that they would have been revered to the world as greats for what they do. They may have not believed in themselves for the talents that they possessed. But I do know that they are and were remembered as greats.

The challenge of man is to overcome adversity, personal conflict and pain in order for one to better themselves and thrive to better heights and persever. There will always be trails and tribulations on one's journey in order for them to become stronger. Just like the carbon atoms that are pressured to become diamonds is the same process that I take on when I look at life in general. But how do you believe in yourself when others don't ? Well, I guess that the only thing you can have is tunnel vision towards the path you choose and never turn back. People are people and always will be. It's a dog eat dog world and it's cold. I have learnt that this is the only way that you can be in order to make sure that you get to where you need to be. I'm not saying that a person has to become a monster for them to become successful in what they pursue. I'm just saying that the way it is. It's born alone, die alone.

Persona Plaque By Christopher T Coker

Christopher Coker

Love & Light

R.I.P. Uncle Olu

Tuesday 7 June 2011



So some time ago I dropped some pieces with the aid of Haze's photography skills in order to see what it would be like with one of his photo's and the pattern punched in digitally. It was really a matter of me doing some image minipulation testing  and refershing some skills that I layed dormant in the mind, not doing this before at all. When your used to doing and applying the same kind of treatment to your expression it begins to become laborious and gets weak after some time. Not saying that good art has not been executed to great outcomes. But by testing myself is was the best thing to do in approaching difference and variation to become more diverse with the work that I produce and concepts that I desire to exicute. 

An idea came to me to apply the pattern on something I never thought of doing ( not apart of the AMAZING piece )  or would ever consider. Pushing boundaries and testing out your capabilities is a good thing to do in order to progress and discover unlocked potential.

Expect more to come in the near future

Love & Light !


Caramel Rock fashion classes with a new up and coming fashion show this summer !


Petra Johnson

Email -
Tel - +44 20 7476 3222  / Mobile - +4477 0672 7161


5 Cooper Street, Canning Town, London, England, E16 1QU
Caramel Rock Is A Fashion Label And An Outreach Project Teaching Different Specialism Within Fashion And Arts, From Street Dance To Couture Fashion.
The Sessions Are Run Throughout The Year So If You Would Like To Get Involved Please Contact Us, For More Details!!!!!!!

Love & Light !


Sample headshot / HZV website banner

The reason why I admire the guys at HZV is due to the fact that they constantly strive to perfect any challenges that are placed in-front of them. With hard work ethic and a an unpredictable but yet ambiguous approach to outcomes of their work, I respect and admire them for what they do and who they are. With creativity that spans from the realms of photography, typography, web design, image manipulation retouching and more, the brothers really do have a God given gift to produce work to very successful and imaginative standards. So it would only be correct on my behalf to acknowledge their efforts on any possible opportunity that i get and recognize talent with modesty when I see it. Here's to the feller's !

New published website header !!!

Love & Light !

Thursday 2 June 2011


Moorish guard with Tiger in Granada

Anyone that really knows me - Christopher Coker,  knows what I like and what I'm into, I mean anybody who really knows me knows. My admiration for the Moorish antiquity and  culture is embedded in my veins and pump's through my heart. For some time it has caught my attention due to the fact that 1) it is not an art form that is prevalent within the confines of the U.K. and 2) the patterns that I construct are not far from the treatment that is seen within Moorish / Moroccan / Islamic art. The art, patterns  and fine detail of Islamic art not only has a heavy influence on me throughout my work but also culturally as a descendant of the great Fulani and Yoruba peoples.

Fulani women traveling

Yoruba Drummer Olatunji 
The geometrical compositions and mathematical calculations of symmetry and angles speak many volumes of greatness in the given ability to not only see past what is regarded as symbolic but also universally limitless in the different variations of patterns and shapes. One would only have to observe the great Mosque of Alhambra in Spain to know what I mean of when I speak of great detail and composition that captures your attention. This has heavily influenced my work and continues to allow me to evolve further beyond what is considered as standard or mundane art forms. My passion for this art form grows by the day and a lot of my recent concepts have been based upon Zouaq. From the tiling, to fabric prints, jewelery and paintings this has really been the key to my soul due to my appreciation of this art form.

The ability to be able to perfect this practice is a timely process of patience and the ability to be able to co-ordinate patterns and images in their respected places. Not only is is the look of such designs that take to me but also the application of such beauty full design and craft -

Fulani Woman with decorative hand art
Musician Madlib with Moroccan Jewelery

What does it for me is the overall results of the pattern and how it looks after it has been applied. The test for me would be to find a more strict guideline as to how the patterns that I come out with will have a more uniformed / symmetrical approach. Time and great effort will be used in order for the outcomes to be successful and unique in the PERSONA way.
PERSONA version by Christopher T Coker
I'm not really going in to great detail about how I went about doing this piece and or even how long it took to design. What I will mention is the fact that this was just the beginning for me to be introduced into a new wave or paradyme of design that I am comfortable executing. A new collection for the Moorish / Persona paradyme is now in effect and is soon or yet to be completed.

No matter how long it takes for my collections to be completed, no matter what struggles that I face and overcome, at some point in my life I will exhibit one of the greatest cultural exhibitions that will be ever displayed to the general public. Marking my words as time will tell is almost like chaos magik. Birthing a new reality and new wave of design is now Persona's purpose for delivering great design and having the confidence to not only challenge myself but also the nay sayers and those that do not hold faith in me. I thank you.

Please stay prepared to see some work never seen before !

I say all that to say

Love & Light