Tuesday 7 June 2011



So some time ago I dropped some pieces with the aid of Haze's photography skills in order to see what it would be like with one of his photo's and the pattern punched in digitally. It was really a matter of me doing some image minipulation testing  and refershing some skills that I layed dormant in the mind, not doing this before at all. When your used to doing and applying the same kind of treatment to your expression it begins to become laborious and gets weak after some time. Not saying that good art has not been executed to great outcomes. But by testing myself is was the best thing to do in approaching difference and variation to become more diverse with the work that I produce and concepts that I desire to exicute. 

An idea came to me to apply the pattern on something I never thought of doing ( not apart of the AMAZING piece )  or would ever consider. Pushing boundaries and testing out your capabilities is a good thing to do in order to progress and discover unlocked potential.

Expect more to come in the near future

Love & Light !

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