Monday 18 July 2011


PERSONA pattern 01 / Christopher Coker

There is a little book that I happen to carry around and from time to time I would sketch out a pattern and just observe what I have drawn for at least a minute or so. One day an idea came along for me to mirror the pattern by scanning in the page on to my computer then vectoring the drawing and creating a symmetrical balance and observing the outcomes.

PERSONA pattern 2a / Christopher Coker
PERSONA pattern 2b / Christopher Coker

I quite like this process because the initial sketch that is done never really looks like the finished pieces that are created. The forms and variations of these patterns are vast. If I decide to repeat the patterns the outcomes stand independent in their own way. Just really following the same processes of textile design ( big up Hayley Crompton ) and repetitive structures by trying my best not to off set the outcome. I really is a lovely sight. The next step would be the application of wallpaper, bags etc. After getting quotes that I mentioned on another post from manufactures, it really isn't cheap and would involve me getting bulk order to begin with. Never the less these do stand out to me and a few others and I will continue to produce more. Oh there will be a day !

PERSONA pattern 03 / Christopher Coker

Love & Light !

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