Monday 25 July 2011

NIKE AIR FORCE 1's ( Black History Month Edition 2008 )

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Love & Light !


Lazarus Piece By Christopher Coker

The beggar restored back to life by the hands of Jesus after 4 days dead.

My lucky "divine" number is 4 !

I really can't be bothered to comment this week, really !

Love & Light !

Monday 18 July 2011

AMAZING PIECE - The Book Of Life - Coming Soon !!!



PERSONA pattern 01 / Christopher Coker

There is a little book that I happen to carry around and from time to time I would sketch out a pattern and just observe what I have drawn for at least a minute or so. One day an idea came along for me to mirror the pattern by scanning in the page on to my computer then vectoring the drawing and creating a symmetrical balance and observing the outcomes.

PERSONA pattern 2a / Christopher Coker
PERSONA pattern 2b / Christopher Coker

I quite like this process because the initial sketch that is done never really looks like the finished pieces that are created. The forms and variations of these patterns are vast. If I decide to repeat the patterns the outcomes stand independent in their own way. Just really following the same processes of textile design ( big up Hayley Crompton ) and repetitive structures by trying my best not to off set the outcome. I really is a lovely sight. The next step would be the application of wallpaper, bags etc. After getting quotes that I mentioned on another post from manufactures, it really isn't cheap and would involve me getting bulk order to begin with. Never the less these do stand out to me and a few others and I will continue to produce more. Oh there will be a day !

PERSONA pattern 03 / Christopher Coker

Love & Light !

Monday 11 July 2011

REACHING OUT / Christopher Coker

Reaching Out by Christopher Coker

Reaching Out by Christopher Coker

This piece in essence in a symbolic illustration of how much I desire my work in reaching out towards what I display. As I stated in last weeks post, I see this pattern as apart of myself and I believe it is one of my duties whilst on this planet to apply and project this in the best ways possible. It can be interpreted in many ways such as one striving towards the path of perfection or even the connection that I have with my work in making links between my thought processes and conceptual outcomes. We all know that every solid object is comprised of energy molecules that vibrate at very high speeds allowing density to occur within this third dimension. Gasses also play apart towards our existence on the planet, where as in the piece it also seems as if energy / gases are radiating / emanating outwards from myself outward. ( The hand in this piece is a picture I took of my arm to illustrate and incorporate in this piece ).  Just like in The Elephant Of The Sun Piece the sun that I carved was emanating rays of the pattern. I wanted to remain the same conceptual balance only with a hand reaching out towards the very rays that it's coming out of.

For this piece I used a new blade that allowed  me to get a very sharp and precise finish also enabling more visual clarity and detail that can be seen. The colours that were used were dark oak and red cedar, both blended bringing the pattern out in a great way and bringing a warmth to it's environment.

Total design time amounts to  8 - 9 hrs in total

Reaching Out by Christopher Coker

Love & Light

Monday 4 July 2011


Kanye West 1
Bizarre stuff when your just doing your thing ( web browsing ) and you just come across stuff that make you say "wow". Okay I'm doing my thing on the internet then I come across the same type of pattern that I do, then I'm like "this is crazy". I mean we live in a universe of infinite possibilities and outcomes. "We are but grains of sand on the beach of life". That's my quote by the way. Any way bact on track. So I'm browsing ( for second times sake ) and I see these pictures of Kanye West and another kid who I think is in America and they are both sporting the swirl pattern on their heads. I mean, is this some kind of alien language. Did I bump my head as a child coming to this planet and forget I was an alien. Is this a way that others may be trying to communicate to me ? OOoookay I know this isn't the Twilight Zone ( love the black & white episodes - Rod Serling versions ) but how weird. I mean I love this patten and all the variations and ways that I display it are PERSONA-(L) to me, to the point where I soon will get a tattoo of my pattern. Am I apart of some alien race that has a conspiracy to take over the world and I'm in some kind of dormant unconscious state of mind and will be awoken at some point and meet at the alien rondevu spot near the UN headquarters ( okay I'm talking rubbish now ) But check out the pics lol !!!

Kanye West 2

American Kid

Pettern From Fotolia

AND NO ! I do not, will not and have not ever driven this pink toy car truck thing below. I saw it coming home from work and decided to take a snap. Chris isn't going soft folks !

Not Mine

Not Mine

Back on Wednesday !

Love & Light !


Nate - Make It Happen

If it's one thing that I admire about emcee extraordinaire Nathan James it would have to be his gift as a visionary. His ability to be able to craft projects that not only hold relevant substance to the trails and tribulations of the average man, but also others that can share a common respect for what he is trying to convey and deliver.

MAKE IT HAPPEN is a new studio mixtape that Nate has put together revolving around the realities and endeavours that one may face on a day to day basis within the confines of London. It is a 13 track mixtape with Hip Hop music that holds a raw but yet melodic value to each track that it has. With features by the likes of Logic, Cyclonius, Manic, singers Jay-Jay and Rena, (myself) Dark Matter, Tony As, Rago Zulu Rebel and more, MAKE IT HAPPEN is the epitome of what U.K. or real Hip Hop is lacking which is good beats, dope rhymes and contextual perspectives of reality based outlooks.

Make It Happen - Tracklist

The overall treatment of the mixtape / album was delivered to perfection in my opinion outdoing what I feel was also a good project which was his prior release LIFE & LYRICS. For myself MAKE IT HAPPEN not only displays Nate's progression as a Hip Hop artist but also gives the listener an opportunity to listen to his views on current events, positive solutions, problem solving and social commentary. Rarely nowadays do I heir mixtapes that have the elements of an album to it but for me this sounds like and album that has you repeating tracks, quoting lines and singing along to the hooks. A great work that has been beautifully mastered.

For me I give this project 10/10 and can't wait for the album

Download link - MAKE IT HAPPEN

Please support Nate and his efforts in what he is doing artistically for U.K. Hip Hop !

Love & Light