Monday 31 January 2011

The Flicker of the paint

So okay I know I'm a bit late on the uploading of the canvases but now is the time. Bought the canvas from a local art shop and said well how can I incorporate my Persona on to these ? Think ! Got some spray paint, emulsion paint, tipex and a marker, then went crazy. Looks much better before the eyes but I did promise to upload one of the canvases (a week late) but never the less. A few posts later I will upload a better picture quality of the piece and more. Nang !!!

Love & Light !

That Beautiful Monday Morning Feeling

Well thank the universe / logic for actually allowing me to get this piece up... why ? Well when a file is to big after it's been scanned in to upload on to you computer, the process of shrinking the file size is enough to send you crazy. Thank goodness for Grab on  Mac operating systems that allows you to grab an image at a much smaller file size so you can then upload with no problems.

Okay now. How I appreciate nature in all of it's beautiful forms of expression and variations is contrary to what I see outside on a day to bay basis. Anything to do with things that are not mechanical I have an interest in. Here I wanted to symbolise the beauty of such things that we take for granted in London town. Maybe where I am I don't happen to see enough (not moving to a farm) to make me feel as if I am connected with what is natural. The over saturation of technology is driving me crazy. So from time to time I will sit in a park and let's just say admire what I see with a mind of clarity. I advise everyone to take at least 30mins in the day, twice or three times a week and walk in the park to clear your mind. Works for me at times.

Total creative time for this piece was around three hours. Haven't decided to name it yet.

I incorporate my Persona to what is natural in the the universe and on planet Earth. You should to !!!

Love & Light !

Monday 17 January 2011


So who doesn't like a confident women ? I call this piece Stargazing. Not because it looks as if she is. But because WE are stars. (Apologies for getting all metaphysical on ya folks). She, is just gazing. Still yet to throw some colour in this piece but I shall get there in the end. Oh yeah, for those that didn't know. Illustration is what I'm into HEAVY !!!!

Love & Light !


Back & Spine
CD artwork

Never really was one to do album covers. But when your friends ask for help, what do you do ? Well the simple answer is, you help, IF you can. For my friend Matty I had no problems with helping him put this together. Did take some time for him to flip flop between ideas (which is why I choose not to do album covers). Never the less, this was the end result and accomplishment of a great work. The album is a mixture of tracks revolving around his travels from town to town. For this project he focused on creating music based upon the feeling of his surroundings. I mean how creative can one really get. When down a dark alley you get very hard and impactful beats. In the park you get a sensation of calm, tranquil bliss. It's a blend of what people would feel if one had no sight with a broad imagination. Very good work and well thought out.

Love & Light !


Who remembers Raw Hide.

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' !!! I can' skate for s@*t lol.

Love & Light !

Flying Hummingbird

So I'm sitting indoors, you know, just getting my creative grind on. Then BAM !!! A flash of light that emanates directly from my girlfriends camera hits me. Well.... we can't take certain things back after they are done. So I thought that it would be a good idea if I posted some of her pictures up on the blog. Also allowing people to see this piece of the, (da da da duuuhhhh) Flying Hummingbird. Chris loves nature and all of Gods fine creations so I took it upon myself to reflect that through this piece. Also one of my favourites. The total creative tally time amounted to just over six hours, with the exception of the fine detail that was put in place. Got caught out of place with this one but I don't mind when wifey takes pics. My latest pieces are about eight times the size of what you see. Some unfinished so I'll be posting a lot of my smaller pieces more often. Hope you like ! Also may I add that canvas pieces have also been manifested by these very hands so I'll be posting some of those later on this week.

Love & Light !

Thursday 13 January 2011

That Guy Called Nate !!!!!!



This is like the purest form of what I call U.K. HipHop. Nate is an up and coming emcee from South East London who has talent in writing, producing & is also a DJ.  A member of The People's army & Team Spirit also may I add a good friend of mine. He released his mixtape Life & Lyrics December of 2010. But for 2011 and beyond for those who are into true, honest, pure HipHop please support Nate in his efforts in spreading REAL HipHop music. His mixtape consists of 13 tracks that all have significant relations to bettering ones self, having a positive outlook, his personal experiences, social issues that are aimed at all ages and backgrounds. (You can see my ugly grill on the last verse lol). Also please support Cyclonious who is also a real emcee from the depths of East London.  His recent release Escape To Reality is also out to download.

PLEASE support REAL U.K. HipHop

Love & Light !

Wednesday 12 January 2011


This is what happens when you link up with like mined people who are serious about furthering each other through creativity. Caramel Rock & HZV Studios link up with Persona in order to reach heights of creativity and also to exhibit great work. Petra, this fine model here is the owner of Caramel Rock and also teaches dance, cheer leads and styles the clouds out of anything. Literally glued to the fashion scene. Oh, which reminds me that she will be hosting a fashion show next month of her latest collection. Very creative lady.  The shots where taken by my very good, pure hearted, focused, creative, intelligent friend @ HZV Mr Alieou better known as Hazy. That's my brother from another. He had an exhibition last year in East London and he needed a backdrop at the time. So as friends do we helped each other. Him testing me by using two mediums on the big back drop paper and Petra testing him with various compositions and poses that remind me of a bad ass mannequin in Oxford Streets Topshop.

More to come from the three of us in the near future. Also stay tuned to the blog for further posts of Petra's show coming up in February.

Love & Light !

Sitchu Testing !

Okay ! I thought why not. I know what you're thinking..... I've seen that before. Well not in the Persona way, ha ! Nah I was just playing. It's just some examples of what I do from time to time so I don't waste money on prints and people can at least see what my designs look like in sitchu. I guess I'm not the first that has marvelled at the idea of sticking a trainer on the front of a jumper and then calling it a clothing brand. (That's just the way nowadays). Every man for himself lol ! Back to reality. This is what you just call a rough sitchu test that I always run with MY designs. I've seen trainers on jumpers melting with lolly pop sticks, with wings (flying), ripped and torn to shreds all in the name of art. When every thing is physical existence is art to me.  So what the hey Chris. Just do the same thing (don't rip it to shreds) but just be you with it and incorporate your Persona into the trainer. Now it's a Persona trainer.

Reason being, Personalisation through experimentation. Sad to say none for sale (for now). But I get the printed, worn out, wrinkly, smoke smell infested version that I wear to bed.

Love & Light !

That Madlib Stuff !

This is from the Madlib Medicine Show Vol-8. Heavy stuff by Madlib if you are into some old school classic jazz. You know that real good stuff. Stuff that just makes you think hey I really like this stuff. Great stuff. I'm going to buy this stuff then listen to the stuff. Stuff stuff !!! Okay seriously speaking I have to say that this mans work is genius in comparison to a lot of the hip hop / jazz that's out today. But, huh, what do I know.

What really does it for me is the artwork though, classic. Unfortunately there is no credit given towards the artist. From what I see the piece displays Moors sailing across what looks like dangerous waters. Don't get your hand caught in there mate. Beautiful artwork and album.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Persona's First Piece ! Hello Universe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This just happens to be one of the many pieces that I decided to upload. Funny thing is that I didn't intend on doing so, but what the hey. Guess it's time to climb out the shell I've been hiding in for about...... well, let's just say a while to long. But after conversing with my good friends at HZV STUDIOS "boss man" said it's about time that you start allowing the world to see your work Chris. So here it is this was a piece that I calved back in the day. Well.... two and a half years ago when I was still a my mums. Most of my pieces involve concepts that I base upon intuitive but yet also spontaneous outlooks. Basically depending on how I feel at the time is a reflection of the pieces that I calve. This was the very first piece that I decided to calve on medium density fibre, (MDF for those who haven't a clue). This will be a weekly submission of pieces that I have done for clients as well as personal pieces, illustration, typography, image manipulation, fashion design and blah blah blah blah blah.... ! Love and Light !