Monday 17 January 2011

Flying Hummingbird

So I'm sitting indoors, you know, just getting my creative grind on. Then BAM !!! A flash of light that emanates directly from my girlfriends camera hits me. Well.... we can't take certain things back after they are done. So I thought that it would be a good idea if I posted some of her pictures up on the blog. Also allowing people to see this piece of the, (da da da duuuhhhh) Flying Hummingbird. Chris loves nature and all of Gods fine creations so I took it upon myself to reflect that through this piece. Also one of my favourites. The total creative tally time amounted to just over six hours, with the exception of the fine detail that was put in place. Got caught out of place with this one but I don't mind when wifey takes pics. My latest pieces are about eight times the size of what you see. Some unfinished so I'll be posting a lot of my smaller pieces more often. Hope you like ! Also may I add that canvas pieces have also been manifested by these very hands so I'll be posting some of those later on this week.

Love & Light !

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