Wednesday 12 January 2011

Sitchu Testing !

Okay ! I thought why not. I know what you're thinking..... I've seen that before. Well not in the Persona way, ha ! Nah I was just playing. It's just some examples of what I do from time to time so I don't waste money on prints and people can at least see what my designs look like in sitchu. I guess I'm not the first that has marvelled at the idea of sticking a trainer on the front of a jumper and then calling it a clothing brand. (That's just the way nowadays). Every man for himself lol ! Back to reality. This is what you just call a rough sitchu test that I always run with MY designs. I've seen trainers on jumpers melting with lolly pop sticks, with wings (flying), ripped and torn to shreds all in the name of art. When every thing is physical existence is art to me.  So what the hey Chris. Just do the same thing (don't rip it to shreds) but just be you with it and incorporate your Persona into the trainer. Now it's a Persona trainer.

Reason being, Personalisation through experimentation. Sad to say none for sale (for now). But I get the printed, worn out, wrinkly, smoke smell infested version that I wear to bed.

Love & Light !

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