Tuesday 11 January 2011

Persona's First Piece ! Hello Universe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This just happens to be one of the many pieces that I decided to upload. Funny thing is that I didn't intend on doing so, but what the hey. Guess it's time to climb out the shell I've been hiding in for about...... well, let's just say a while to long. But after conversing with my good friends at HZV STUDIOS "boss man" said it's about time that you start allowing the world to see your work Chris. So here it is this was a piece that I calved back in the day. Well.... two and a half years ago when I was still a my mums. Most of my pieces involve concepts that I base upon intuitive but yet also spontaneous outlooks. Basically depending on how I feel at the time is a reflection of the pieces that I calve. This was the very first piece that I decided to calve on medium density fibre, (MDF for those who haven't a clue). This will be a weekly submission of pieces that I have done for clients as well as personal pieces, illustration, typography, image manipulation, fashion design and blah blah blah blah blah.... ! Love and Light !

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