Monday 17 January 2011


Back & Spine
CD artwork

Never really was one to do album covers. But when your friends ask for help, what do you do ? Well the simple answer is, you help, IF you can. For my friend Matty I had no problems with helping him put this together. Did take some time for him to flip flop between ideas (which is why I choose not to do album covers). Never the less, this was the end result and accomplishment of a great work. The album is a mixture of tracks revolving around his travels from town to town. For this project he focused on creating music based upon the feeling of his surroundings. I mean how creative can one really get. When down a dark alley you get very hard and impactful beats. In the park you get a sensation of calm, tranquil bliss. It's a blend of what people would feel if one had no sight with a broad imagination. Very good work and well thought out.

Love & Light !

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