Thursday 13 January 2011

That Guy Called Nate !!!!!!



This is like the purest form of what I call U.K. HipHop. Nate is an up and coming emcee from South East London who has talent in writing, producing & is also a DJ.  A member of The People's army & Team Spirit also may I add a good friend of mine. He released his mixtape Life & Lyrics December of 2010. But for 2011 and beyond for those who are into true, honest, pure HipHop please support Nate in his efforts in spreading REAL HipHop music. His mixtape consists of 13 tracks that all have significant relations to bettering ones self, having a positive outlook, his personal experiences, social issues that are aimed at all ages and backgrounds. (You can see my ugly grill on the last verse lol). Also please support Cyclonious who is also a real emcee from the depths of East London.  His recent release Escape To Reality is also out to download.

PLEASE support REAL U.K. HipHop

Love & Light !

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